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Cono stem


A range of adjustable spotlights with glass diffusers.

The glass diffusers can be supplied in five different colours and need to be ordered separately.

Technical Data

Finish painted
Material : die-cast
Lamp Wattage : 20-50w
Lamp : 12v MR16/capsule
Lampholder : GX5.3/G4/GY6.35
Approvals :

Product Selection

Cono Stem 200mm Lg, w/o Glass Satin Silver - LV.R21.0102.13


Cono Stem 200mm Lg, w/o Glass Black - LV.R21.0102.50


Cono Stem 200mm Lg, w/o Glass White - LV.R21.0102.57


Cono Stem 300mm Lg, w/o Glass Satin Silver - LV.R21.0103.13


Cono Stem 300mm Lg, w/o Glass Black - LV.R21.0103.50


Cono Stem 300mm Lg, w/o Glass White - LV.R21.0103.57


Cono Stem 500mm Lg, w/o Glass Satin Silver - LV.R21.0105.13


Cono Stem 500mm Lg, w/o Glass Black - LV.R21.0105.50


Cono Stem 500mm Lg, w/o Glass White - LV.R21.0105.57



track lighting bathroom ceiling light down lights bathroom light spotlights ceiling lighting ceiling light fixtures ceiling lights chrome light switch light energy saving